Meet: Beth!

Hi guys! Beth here!

Today, I thought I'd share with you guys some random facts about me, so that you can get to know me better. I'll get Nadine and Charlotte to do the same thing, but for now, you've got me!

Name: Beth (obviously)
Age: 13
Nationality: Australian
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Occupation: Student
Talents/Skills: I like to think I'm good at singing and writing, but you never know...

Height: About 5'4 1/2
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: I usually say Hazel, but it's sort of more blue than most hazels... It's complicated.

Hobbies: Singing, Acting, Reading, Writing, Dancing (even though I can't dance), Playing the Flute & Keyboard.
Favourite Sayings: I actually don't have any...
Greatest Flaw: I'd like to say my looks in general, but the girls will yell at me, so I'm gonna say my Fitness. I'm really not a very sporty person.
Best Quality: I don't have any good qualities Probably my sense of humour. But I am very sarcastic, so if you don't get sarcasm, you probably won't like me very much...

Introvert or Extrovert: I can be very introverted, and very extroverted. But I'd probably consider myself an introverted extrovert. Confusing, I know.


Singer: Taylor Swift
Colour: Sea Green
Food: Sour Gummy Worms
Movie: I can't choose. But I really like Another Cinderella Story. The one with Selena Gomez and Drew Seeley. So maybe that.
Author: Rick Riordan
Book: Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan
Band: 5 Seconds of Summer. But I also really like The Vamps, Masketta Fall, Short Stack and Metronova
Song: Airplanes by Hayley Williams and B.O.B, Live Like There's No Tomorrow by Selena Gomez and Paralysed by Big Time Rush. Those are my all-time favourites. My current favourite, however, changes every other day.
Fruit: Plum or Mango
Flower: White Roses
TV Show: I think you can guess this one... It's Pretty Little Liars, obviously
Season: Autumn (Fall)
Number: 3, 7 and 18
Holiday: Christmas
Actor: Thomas Brodie Sangster
Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
Day of the Week: Tuesday. And I don't know why.
School Subject: Either Food Tech, Music or English
Boy Name: Either Jacob or Ayden
Girl Name: Either Skye, December, Ebony or Ivory
Unisex Name: Either Wren or Asher
Music Genres: (most) Pop, (some) Rock, (some) Country, (some) R&B, (some) Hip Hop, (some) Techno. I like a bit of everything.
Movie/Book/TV Show Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Comedy, some Romance... Again, I like a wide range of things.
Candy: Sour Gummy Worms ^
Ice Cream Flavour: Lemon-Lime
Car: I have a weird thing for Jeeps...

I think you guys now know more about me than my own mother does. Not even kidding. You probably just want me to shut up, so I will! Hopefully I'll get Nadine and Charlotte to get theirs up soon, so you can learn stuff about them too. But for now, goodbye!

Beth (Singer/Pianist)

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